Design your custom tools specifically for your application

Die Sinking Cutters

Also known as die sinks, Die Sinking Cutters are a massively versatile addition to any tooling arsenal, and are commonly used in a wide variety of CNC machining applications, including removing burrs (deburring), plunge cutting, slotting, tapering holes, and other die- and mold-manufacturing jobs. With dozens of custom tools available (click here to request a quote for custom cutting tool not listed), you can rest assured that Valley Tool and our Tool Builder service will provide the right tooling solution for you! To get started building your custom tool, enter your required measurements and tolerances below!

If you are not sure of a dimension or it is not critical, leave it blank and we will quote the standard.

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    Monday – Thursday:
    7:30 AM – 4:30 PM

    7:30 AM – 3:30 PM